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How To Give Yourself a Monthly At-Home Breast Self-Exam
With an estimated 252,710 new cases of invasive breast cancer expected to be diagnosed in 2017, it has never been more important to be sure you are checking your mammaries every single month. According to Johns Hopkins, “Forty percent of diagnosed breast cancers are detected by women who feel a lump, so establishing a regular breast self-exam is very important.” Giving yourself a little feelski is serious business, so be sure to make it count because it could just save your life.
How to Handle Holiday Stress On Your Period
Tis the season for holiday cheer, family get-togethers, and (potentially) stressful sit...
How to Deal With a Partner Grossed Out By Your Period
Periods aren’t a fun business for some, but that said, they’re not new either. They’ve ...
How to Handle Postpartum Pelvic Pain
More than a third of women experience some form of pelvic floor disorder post-baby, whi...
How To Cope When Your Period Changes Affect Your Weight Loss Efforts
Figuring out hormonal imbalances isn’t a one day fix. While you may get lucky and find the solution quicker than others, you also may find yourself playing with a lot of new changes to find what your body responds to best. For some, a simple supplement to correct a sudden vitamin deficiency will do. For others, a higher intensity of activity might be required to see lasting changes and progress. At the end of the day, you need to give yourself permission to fight the battle mindfully- and with plenty of time.
How to Master The Art Of The Adult Sleepover
Sleepovers as an adult aren’t at all what we’re used to growing up as kids. There are no pillow fights, no perfect circumstances and most of the time; the first sleepover with the person you’re dating or are in a relationship with is awkward AF. There’s good news though- there is a way to make the best of it even in the midst of those awkward and shame worthy moments.
How To Handle Getting Your Period During An Election Cycle Like This
It’s pretty safe to say that this election cycle has been a whirlwind of fucked up emotions ranging from legitimate confusion, undeniable nausea, anger and unwavering anticipation of who is going to take the oval office. No matter what side of the political fence you’re on, there’s not a lot that could make it any worse than it already is- except for of course, your period.
How To Cope With Seasonal Depression When It Feels Like Everything Sucks
I’ve had SAD since I was a little girl and there are some years where the pain I carry inside me is agonizing. This year, I’m taking extra precautions to get in front of the madness that tries to eat away at me.
How to Stop Criticizing Yourself and Embrace Your Flaws
As women, we’re subjected to some pretty harsh criticism about how we look, how we feel...
How to Communicate During Your Period Using all Emojis
Here is a short guide to communicating during your period with your friends, your lover, or basically anyone else in the world. Ask for help, give a warning, or just let someone know where your head is at during Red Dawn.
How to Communicate with Humans During Your Period
You know those maddening conversations we have to have with our period, and essentially ourselves, in order to keep our shit together and maintain a healthy adult composure...
How to Remove Period Blood Stains (and Save Your Clothing's Life)
Nothing seems to spell disaster quicker than having your favorite garment of clothing ruined by period blood. Tough to remove, blood stains take some creativity and quick action to avoid having to throw away the item in question.
How to Find Tampons Abroad: Europe
Traveling abroad can be life changing, there is so many amazing adventures you can expe...
How to Talk to Your Partner When Your PMS is Raging
Instead of always picking a useless and losing battle, try to remember these things first when you feel the PMS frustrations kick in and you’re trying to effectively communicate with your partner.
How To (Handle): Getting Your Period When You Suffer From Anxiety
Anxiety is a tough illness to battle- I know first-hand. I’ve been struggling with this...
How To (Handle): Getting Your Period Before Sex or During Sex
Getting your period is never convenient, but it throws a big annoying wrench into your ...
How to (Handle): Getting Your Period During A Vacation
Getting your period is never a pleasant endeavor, but it’s even worse when you look at ...
Showing items 1-17 of 17.