The Brief
The Female Fronted Podcasts You Should be Listening To
After recommending the gals from My Favorite Murder to a friend over drinks, it got me thinking about all the great podcasts being produced by women these days. Here are some of my recent favorites:
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Syphilis
Wait. No one actually gets syphilis anymore, right?
We wish. In 2015, the number of syp...
Now that Sex is Easy to Find... What's the Fate of Love?
Never one to downplay the importance and sheer joy of sex itself and all things sensual, I have been bothered lately by thoughts. Thoughts that love, in its purest and sweetest form, may be on its way out.
Babypops: All About Freezing Your Eggs & Why it's So In Right Now
Is it just me, or did egg freezing just become a major topic of conversation as of late? Nearly two years after both Facebook and Apple announced egg freezing as a benefit for employees, it is now a hot brunch topic for women in their 20's and 30's.
Menstrual Delights: Best TV Shows to Watch When You're on Your Period
It seems like your Red Sea just parted last week, but now you are back in your kayak and riding it again. Why not pair up with your best buddies and have a little TV time to calm your condition?
Fangirl Friday: Gilmore Girls & The Return to Stars Hollow
Today something truly momentous is happening, something that warrants all caps and an exclamation point: GILMORE GIRLS IS BACK ON OUR SCREENS!
Girl Talk: Having "The Sex Talk" with my Mom
I’ll never forget when my mother decided that it was time for me to get a crash course ...
5 Foods to Help Alleviate Your PMS Symptoms
Eating can feel like the only solution when you're curled up in a ball, wondering when the hellishness will subside. Happily there are some foods that actually do help alleviate your PMS symptoms.
Real Talk: Why I am So Thankful for Tampons and Pads
With so much to be grateful for, I am adding to the top of my list being a woman. If not for my uterus, these funny, happy memories would not have been possible.
7 Healthy Habits of Truly Happy Women
Every human being is the direct outcome of the habits which govern his or her life. It’s no wonder, then, that many find themselves in the throes of darkness, ranging from slightly irritable to deeply depressed. But with the right set of habits, any woman can find herself quickly on the path of happiness.
Birth Control and Depression: Are You At Risk?
Throughout the US, depression is on the rise and is naturally the source of immense research within the scientific communities. Recent studies have focused on the relationship between depression and birth control.
MG Interviews: Francesca Kennedy, Founder of Ix Style
Francesca Kennedy is a #girlboss after our own heart. We had the chance to sit down with her and ask some questions and we're thrilled to share her answers:
Work it Out: 4 Easy Exercises to Ease Your Period Pain
When talking about the period, many women might think of extended naps, comfortably ugly sweats, and comfort foods dripping with all kinds of unhealthiness. Exercise might be the very last thing which comes to mind. However, there are some practical, easy exercises which can help to ease the pains associated with getting your period.
Real Talk: That Time my BFF Had an Intervention for My Terrible PMS
I have terrible PMS. So much so that my best friend had to intervene. I remember the day well; it went something like this:
Fangirl Friday: Badass Female Veterans
This Veteran’s Day, take a moment to thank those who have fought hard to preserve our freedoms. As a woman, take a quick knee and read about some of the women who made an impact in the armed forces and paved the way for women today to enjoy the ability to fight for the stars and stripes.
Real Talk: I Got Herpes and Guess What... It Didn’t Kill Me!
I know, I know. Herpes, eww! Shut up. Most of the American adult population has herpes - orally, anyway. Have you ever had a cold sore? Congrats, you have herpes.
Let’s Criminalize Misogyny: A List Of What We Wouldn’t Miss
Unfortunately, most women are not foreign to misogyny. Whether it’s hecklers on the str...
What's the Deal with Blood Clots And Your Period?
Let’s talk about blood clots. No, it’s not the most glamorous topic. But it’s one that affects a lot of us. Around 1 in 3 women have heavy periods, and that often means clots: clumps of blood with a thick, gelatinous texture. (You’re not eating while you read this, right?)