What’s the Deal with Period Coaches (And Do I Need One)?

Have you ever wondered if you could be having a better period? One that’s less painful, more energetic, and free of the emotional malaise that menstruation can bring. With all the supplements, superfoods, and period wisdom out there, it’s hard to know what is optimum and what is just extra.
There’s a new breed of coach out there to help you with just these quandaries—period coaches. Are they legit or just a bunch of hooey? We decided to find out what period coaches do, and if they can really make your period better.
Period Coaches Educate
Period coaches offer several services First, they learn about your lifestyle and make suggestions about what you could be doing better based on the four phases of your cycle—menstruation, the follicular phase, ovulation, and the luteal phase. Your period coach will educate you on each of these phases and what they mean for your body. Your coach will then create a routine around each phase that makes you healthier, more comfortable, and maybe even more productive! They can also answer all those questions you secretly Google at night.
Period Coaches Curate Accoutrement and Complementary Treatments
Period coaches help you find the supplements and menstrual products that work best for your lifestyle and period. For instance, if you’re a die-hard tampon wearer but suffer from intense cramps, moving to a menstrual cup can change your cramping game. Period coaches will also recommend alternative therapies like massage, meditation, and acupuncture if they think it will be helpful and tell you the best times to get these services for maximum benefit.
Period Coaches Help You Get Out Your Golden Lasso, Wonder Woman
Periods can often make us feel like we are at the mercy of our hormones. One of the best things period coaches can do is put you back in touch with your feminine power. They give you a sense of control over not only the bodily functions but the mental and societal conditioning that periods are a pain. They empower you to hack your period—know when to hit workouts hard, when to practice some Zen, and when you’ll get your best selfies (spoiler: it’s the follicular phase).
We hire coaches to help us train for triathlons, eat better, and to improve our careers, why not for our periods? With the help of period coaches, the period-having populace will have better information and a blueprint to hack their periods. The secondary goal? Period coaches can also help us remove the menstruation taboo so that maybe our next generation will grow up without it.
Photo courtesy of Huffington Post