How to Feel Younger Inside and Out: The Skinny on Vaginoplasty

In the late 90’s, a Beverly Hills OB-GYN named Dr. David Matlock developed a controversial procedure meant to enhance vaginal muscle tone, strength, and control. This simple yet highly effective procedure is what’s now known as vaginal rejuvenation, or vaginal tightening.
Here’s what you need to know about this increasingly popular plastic surgery procedure.
What is Vaginoplasty?
Performed on the vaginal canal, mucous membranes, and other structures of the uterus, vaginal rejuvenation is meant for women who wish to restore their youthful confidence while minimizing discomfort caused by the loosening of their vaginal walls.
Urinary stress incontinence often occurs in older women who have had children, causing small amounts of urine to leak after coughing, sneezing, running, or doing any heavy lifting. Vaginal rejuvenation is also considered to be a viable option for women who have experienced ovarian cancer or early menopause. Vaginoplasty has proven to improve these symptoms as the procedure is geared towards tightening the damaged walls and restoring healthy tissue.
Vaginal atrophy is the thinning or inflammation of the vaginal walls and is caused by decreased estrogen levels. In many women this commonly occurs after menopause and causes drying and irritation, which can cause pain during intercourse. Sometimes women with this condition cannot have intercourse at all due to the intense pain they experience.
This condition also manifests in women who have undergone chemotherapy and/or radiation treatments and as a result experienced a dramatic loss of estrogen. For these women, vaginal estrogen treatments and creams may not be a reliable option as not all women respond to the reintroduction of estrogen. Therefore, many look to vaginoplasty for its surgical guarantees.
Vaginal atrophy causes some women to feel insecure about their bodies– not only because of the physical discomfort it brings, but from a sense of lost femininity. However, one recent study that tested this procedure in 50 women over a 12-week period showed notable improvements in patients’ symptoms. In another study of almost 120 patients, approximately 90 per cent of participants reported a reduction in pain during sexual intercourse.
The Benefits Of Vaginoplasty
Vaginal rejuvenation is becoming something of a trend. The number of women undergoing the procedure is increasing rapidly. A 2011 study in the British Journal of Medicine showed that 40 per cent of women who were curious about genital reconstruction chose to go through with it even after learning that their vaginas has nothing particularly physically or medically wrong with them. Most women who choose this surgery are in their thirties, forties, and fifties. In almost every case, these women have stopped having children.
Childbirth takes a toll on the vagina and can cause some women to experience a loss of tightness. As a result, many experience a decrease in sexual gratification, a situation, which is a lot more common than most people might think. This is especially true for women who’ve had difficult or multiple childbirths resulting in a stretched or torn vagina. Roughly 30 per cent of women who have experienced a vaginal birth have these issues.
Childbirth can also trigger urinary incontinence. A woman can simply sneeze, cough, or lift something heavy and then all of a sudden she’s peed herself, which can be very embarrassing, not to mention inconvenient. Vaginoplasty helps to improve and even eliminate urinary incontinence so a woman can sneeze or cough again without having to worry about changing her underwear immediately afterward.
Better orgasms and sexual pleasure are among the main reasons why women choose to have this surgery. Looser or weakened vaginal walls can cause a loss of sensitivity or stimulation, making sex and intimacy less pleasurable for both parties. Plus, the loss of tone and tightness can make a woman feel significantly less confident about herself, which isn’t likely to be too helpful in the bedroom either.
The Downside
While this procedure may seem like a great solution, it is an extreme one. There is always a risk when considering a surgical procedure, including the possibility of infection and complications while healing as it is a difficult area to keep dry and sterile at all times.
Additionally, while many women report increased sexual satisfaction and improved self-esteem, this varies with every patient and thus, there is no guarantee that this procedure will do anything for you.
A major factor to consider based on the above is the cost of the procedure. This is a very costly procedure ranging from $5,500 – $7,000. As a result, this is not a cost effective option for many women in search of vaginal improvements. Luckily, there are other non-surgical alternatives on the market, giving women a variety of options to consider based on their needs, wants and budget.
The Procedure
Patients are placed under anaesthesia during the procedure, which takes between one and two hours. Most patients can return to work within four to seven days, however, expect recovery time to last about six weeks. Optimal results are usually visible four to six months after surgery. The results are typically permanent unless the patient has more children after the fact, in which case only some of the results may be preserved. Complications from this surgery are extremely rare and seen in less than one per cent of cases.
If you’re considering any kind of vaginal treatment or surgery it’s important to first consult a medical professional before proceeding because it’s an extremely sensitive and functionally important part of a woman’s body.