The Brief » women's health
A Simple and Encouraging Guide to Having Sex on Your Period
Why should you let your period interrupt your happy, sexy times?
And let’s face it: guy...
Helping Women Own Their Periods: How Monthly Gift Came to Be
When my sister Kimmy and I started out on this journey, the idea was never just to sell tampons, pad and liners. We created Monthly Gift as a platform to change the language around women’s health and to empower girls and women everywhere to take control of their health.
What to Look for When Searching for a New Gynecologist
The search for a new doctor can be very stressful, most notably perhaps with a gynecologist as this relationship is extremely intimate and a healthy one could last for many years.
Real Talk: When I Thought I Only Had Two Holes Down There
I always thought that I only had two holes, one in the front and one in the back.
MG Asks: Why Aren't UTI or Yeast Infection Meds Over the Counter?
You know it when you feel it. The discomfort of a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) or a ye...
Organizations Providing Free Healthcare to Women
Maintaining good health is the number one priority. But, in the day of long to-do lists and not enough hours in the day to finish them, it can easily become pushed to the bottom of any priority list.
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Uterine Prolapse But Never Knew to Ask
Uterine prolapse. It’s when your uterus sags down from its normal position and falls into the vagina.
Orgasmic Meditation: Yes, Please, May I Have Another?
I have been fascinated for years about the quasi-cult following of Orgasmic Meditation ...
MG Asks: Why Does Your Vagina Itch Right Before Your Period?
You know the drill. It’s the week before you’re supposed to get your period (for me it happens about three days prior), and suddenly your vagina is screaming “red alert,” itching like crazy!
What's the Deal with Spotting Between Periods?
Like so many things happening down there, spotting between periods is not uncommon.
Douching and Other Things You Should NOT Subject Your Vagina To
The mysterious vagina. She is so introverted and subtle in her movements. So small, yet...
A Look at Global Access to Hygiene Products
While for many women in the US, getting your period is a nuisance; around the world a woman’s period can mean serious health problems. Due a lack of access to proper, safe products, menstruating women face considerable sanitary issues.
10 Awesome Benefits of Using a Period Tracking App
Here are 10 reasons why you should be actively using a period tracking app. Like, now.
Menstrual Delights: Acupuncture
You're on your period and you hurt. No amount of over-the-counter pain killer is helping. You hit the maximum recommended dosage at 10 am.
The War on Planned Parenthood
The truth is there’s a war going on against Planned Parenthood in which highly deceptive and dangerous tactics are being used and the impact could forever change how this country handles women’s health.
The History of Hysteria
When we say someone or something is hysterical, we usually mean they are super emotiona...
Yoga for Your Spring Transition
Check out this detoxifying yoga routine and breathing exercise to boost our respiratory, circulatory, and immune systems, making it easier for the body to fend off allergens and enjoy all that this wondrous season has to offer.