The Brief » Sex
MG Asks: Can Precum Get You Pregnant?
It’s an urban legend heard ‘round the globe. The story of the teenagers, the woman down...
Everything You Need to Know About Vaginismus
You might have heard about vaginismus in the context of painful sex. You might have eve...
Real Talk: Why I Stopped Taking Birth Control (and What Happened)
At first I was excited because it felt like I was finally taking control of my body. I felt empowered. The nurse told me the pill would help to make my periods lighter and less painful each month, so naturally, I couldn’t wait. My excitement was short-lived.
Squirting 101: The Myth and the Magic
It’s the female quandary of the ages. No one really knows what it’s about and if they d...
Real Talk: Remember Not Only Cis Women Have Periods
In general, when people talk about periods, they tend to refer to them in terms of cisg...
The Bush is Back a.k.a. The Revival of Pubic Hair
When it comes to grooming down low, there are as many style options as items on a Cheesecake Factory menu, but more and more women are going native and letting it the bush bloom than weed-whacking and waxing it into oblivion. So, why are women passing on abolishing their pubic hair?
Real Talk: Having the Chat with My Boyfriend About Anal Sex
Before you have "the baby talk," or "the marriage talk," many couples will have another chat, one to measure the expectations of the other party and figure out the future prospects where this act is concerned: anal sex.
10 Tips for Having Hot Sex on Your Period
There’s no need to close up shop when Aunt Flo comes to town. In fact, it is one of the most pleasurable times for both women and men to enjoy a little love in the afternoon. Because the vagina has all sorts of business currently in play, it is warmer and tighter. This means extra sensation for you because you are extra sensitive and an extra snug feel for him since you are a bit swollen while nature takes its course.
What's the Deal with Having Sex in the Shower?
One of the questions we field most often from our readers is about having sex on your p...
Real Talk: Why I Decided to Try Celibacy and What I Miss Most
Anyone who has ever embarked on that crazy world called dating (which, these days, is mostly Netflixing and chilling), knows that it is a scary place out there. Even my married friends look on with the deepest pity and say things like, “If I had to date right now, I would literally kill myself.”
What's the Deal with Natural Birth Control?
Natural birth control isn’t a practical choice when most of us start having sex, more like a fast-track to parenthood. At first, sex can be messy and unpredictable, your period might not be regular yet, and you may or may not be able to trust the guy(s) you’re hooking up with.
How to Master The Art Of The Adult Sleepover
Sleepovers as an adult aren’t at all what we’re used to growing up as kids. There are no pillow fights, no perfect circumstances and most of the time; the first sleepover with the person you’re dating or are in a relationship with is awkward AF. There’s good news though- there is a way to make the best of it even in the midst of those awkward and shame worthy moments.
The Female Fronted Podcasts You Should be Listening To
After recommending the gals from My Favorite Murder to a friend over drinks, it got me thinking about all the great podcasts being produced by women these days. Here are some of my recent favorites:
Now that Sex is Easy to Find... What's the Fate of Love?
Never one to downplay the importance and sheer joy of sex itself and all things sensual, I have been bothered lately by thoughts. Thoughts that love, in its purest and sweetest form, may be on its way out.
Girl Talk: Having "The Sex Talk" with my Mom
I’ll never forget when my mother decided that it was time for me to get a crash course ...
What's the Deal with Sex Dreams?
I used to think it was patently unfair that when it came to puberty, boys were rewarded...
Teen Pregnancy is Declining: Here's What You Need to Know
In 2014, there were 42% fewer teen births than there were in 2007.
Real Talk: I'm Super Horny During My Period
I am in a menstrual malaise. My lower half is throbbing in spasmodic pain, while my breasts respond in agony to the slightest breeze that passes by. I feel like the least sexy woman in existence and quite possibly as bloated as the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. So, why the &$%@ am I so horny during my period?