The Brief » period
Period De-Coding: All About Period Blood Consistency
Periods change throughout our lives and even from month to month. Sometimes they’re heavier, sometimes they disappear altogether, sometimes they turn up at the most inconvenient time, or in a weird shade you’ve never seen before. Their consistency can change, too.
BUSTED: 5 Period Myths That Are Somehow Still A Thing
Menstruation happens. Period. For many people it’s a regular occurrence that necessita...
How to Properly Care for Your Dear Kate Period Undies
Love your Kates like they love you. With some simple TLC, your garments will have a lon...
How to Handle Holiday Stress On Your Period
Tis the season for holiday cheer, family get-togethers, and (potentially) stressful sit...
An Open Apology Letter to My Prior Period Underwear
Dearest Menstruation Unmentionables,
I just wanted to take a moment to have a chat. You...
How to Deal With a Partner Grossed Out By Your Period
Periods aren’t a fun business for some, but that said, they’re not new either. They’ve ...
5 Yoga Poses to Help Cool Your Cramps
Control of breath will also help bring balance to any imbalances -- soothing your mood, and cooling down the cramps! Here are some yoga moves to help you through this unpleasant time.
Changes to Your Period After Pregnancy That No One Tells You About
While you may have enjoyed living period-free for 9 months, the ups and downs of postpartum hormones can wreak havoc on your cycles.
Girl Talk: My First Period aka The Fateful Day I Became a Woman (Kinda)
Every woman remembers the moment she has her first period. History celebrates the moment as an initiation to womanhood. In the old times, it meant a girl was now eligible to marry. Today, it means forty years of menstruation and clever colloquialisms. Let's revisit my magical moment.
Real Talk: That Time I Got My Period Blood on My Client's Car Seat
My period blood had gone through the tampon, through the panty liner, through my underwear and pants, creating a perfect print in the shape of the panty liner on the passenger seat.
Real Talk: Walking with Lions (While on my Period)
The original plan was shark diving.
The night before we were suppose to go, we learned ...
Heads Up: Your Nighttime Routine May be Affecting Your Period
Any time your period shows up late for the party, it can make you feel like maybe you w...
9 Period Truths That You Need to Accept Before Calling Me a Bitch
Since the beginning of time, or at least since the beginning of Eve’s first menstrual cycle, men and even plenty of women have been quick to throw shade at the unfortunate hormonal attitude that often accompanies a woman’s period.
MG Asks: Does Smoking Cigarettes Affect Your Period?
While it's no secret that smoking cigarettes can negatively impact your health, did you know that smoking can also affect your period? Because it can.
7 Reasons You Might Miss a Period (Other Than Being Pregnant)
For the sexually active and not-so-safe among us, having a late period is a nerve-wracking experience and missing a period can be totally terrifying. The truth is, there are numerous non-pregnancy related reasons why you might miss a period entirely, some more concerning than others.
Know Your Flow: Can Your Menstrual Cycle Length Vary Month to Month?
Due to a variety of factors, the length of your menstrual cycle can vary from month to month. Variations can be normal and totally healthy, however sometimes these can be a sign of something more serious.
Menstrual Delights: Making your Period Workout Work for You
It's the last thing you want to do when the Red Baron flies into town. Even your most enjoyable forms of physical activity can take a backseat to the discomfort and overall blahness of menstruation.
How To Cope When Your Period Changes Affect Your Weight Loss Efforts
Figuring out hormonal imbalances isn’t a one day fix. While you may get lucky and find the solution quicker than others, you also may find yourself playing with a lot of new changes to find what your body responds to best. For some, a simple supplement to correct a sudden vitamin deficiency will do. For others, a higher intensity of activity might be required to see lasting changes and progress. At the end of the day, you need to give yourself permission to fight the battle mindfully- and with plenty of time.