The Brief » period help
Here's Why You're So Tired On and Before Your Period
Periods are a pretty under-researched phenomenon, so not all of the exhaustion we feel around that time of the month is fully understood. But there are a few factors that seem to make matters worse. Here are some of the most common – and what to do about them:
What’s the Deal with Period Coaches (And Do I Need One)?
Have you ever wondered if you could be having a better period? One that’s less painful,...
5 Yoga Poses to Help Cool Your Cramps
Control of breath will also help bring balance to any imbalances -- soothing your mood, and cooling down the cramps! Here are some yoga moves to help you through this unpleasant time.
Work it Out: 4 Easy Exercises to Ease Your Period Pain
When talking about the period, many women might think of extended naps, comfortably ugly sweats, and comfort foods dripping with all kinds of unhealthiness. Exercise might be the very last thing which comes to mind. However, there are some practical, easy exercises which can help to ease the pains associated with getting your period.
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