The Brief
Menstrual Delights: Making your Period Workout Work for You
It's the last thing you want to do when the Red Baron flies into town. Even your most enjoyable forms of physical activity can take a backseat to the discomfort and overall blahness of menstruation.
How To Cope When Your Period Changes Affect Your Weight Loss Efforts
Figuring out hormonal imbalances isn’t a one day fix. While you may get lucky and find the solution quicker than others, you also may find yourself playing with a lot of new changes to find what your body responds to best. For some, a simple supplement to correct a sudden vitamin deficiency will do. For others, a higher intensity of activity might be required to see lasting changes and progress. At the end of the day, you need to give yourself permission to fight the battle mindfully- and with plenty of time.
8 Things You Should Never Say to Someone On Their Period
Stop. Before you open your mouth to speak to someone on their period; just stop. Because when we're in the red zone, it's best to move with caution.
Understanding The Abortion Pill aka Medical Abortion
Whenever we talk about abortion (or you see one on TV), it’s usually the surgical kind, where a doctor operates to remove a pregnancy. That’s one option, and it used to be the only one. But since 2000, there’s been another option in the U.S: medical abortion, also known as the “abortion pill.”
What's the Deal with Kegels and Should We Be Doing them RN?
Kegels train and strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. There are myriad motivators for working out these muscles, some sexy, some not-so-sexy - all important.
Girl Code: Is It Ever OK to Date Your Friend’s Ex?
Girl Code, what is it? According to Urban Dictionary, Girl Code is “The code of guideli...
This year's theme is Education: It's about bloody time we make talking about menstrua...
Fangirl Friday: The Wellness Women Making Us Healthy (and Happy)
Getting fit can be super intimidating, especially in the abstract; it's like an ever-steepening mountain to climb with a backpack full of bricks. But nowadays, that perception seems to be changing thanks to the dedication of some super motivating health mavens who are working hard to make healthy living accessible and, dare we say, fun for generations of women (and men).
10 Tips for Having Hot Sex on Your Period
There’s no need to close up shop when Aunt Flo comes to town. In fact, it is one of the most pleasurable times for both women and men to enjoy a little love in the afternoon. Because the vagina has all sorts of business currently in play, it is warmer and tighter. This means extra sensation for you because you are extra sensitive and an extra snug feel for him since you are a bit swollen while nature takes its course.
Period Positive: How to Get Control of Your PMS Breakouts
Due to rising progesterone levels during your period, there is an increase in the production of sebum aka oil. Cue: clogged pores and pimples, usually on your jawline and chin. While PMS breakouts are a reality, they don't need to hold you hostage during that time of the month.
6 Super Simple Health Care Tips for People in a Hurry
If there's one thing Neil deGrasse Tyson gets, it's everything. He also understands that people today are in a hurry. We certainly are. But there are some things worth slowing down for, smelling the roses, yes, but also taking care of our health.
Fangirl Friday: Our Favorite TV Moms aka Matriarchs of the Silver Screen
Growing up, TV time was a delight and surely it was a welcome respite for our parents too, some peace and quiet as the kids lost themselves in whatever show was on.
What's the Deal with Having Sex in the Shower?
One of the questions we field most often from our readers is about having sex on your p...
Ask a Dude: Okay... So What's a Period?
We decided to dig little deeper and ask a couple dudes some questions about us ladies and all our business. Starting with... What's a Period?
Meet Shan and Nads, our fave Cali girls and our new guest bloggers!
The definition...
This Summer, Kate is challenging you to take on the #28DayChallenge and live eve...
Sweeter Dreams: 5 Simple Tricks for Getting Better Sleep NOW
Did you know that 71% of Americans sleep with their smartphone in bed with/beside them?...