The Brief » period pain
Understanding Dysmenorrhoea (Menstrual Cramps)
We all have those ladies in our lives who just "don't really get cramps" and we applaud them and their happy pelves. That said, for many of us having menstrual cramps, is a normal, albeit unpleasant, part of the period experience.
How to Use Ayurveda to Soothe Period Pain
Life is a balancing act, and your period is no exception. One of the ways to stay balan...
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Cannabis Suppositories
As more states recognize cannabis as a reputable plant medicine, more products flood th...
Say Hi Spotlight: Trista Okel, Founder of Empower Bodycare
PMS pain is real. Period. Thankfully, there are many companies creating solutions. Say ...
Say Hi Spotlight: Bridget May, Founder of Little Green Bee
Little Green Bee was founded by Bridget May, a botanist and chemist who discovered the medical benefits of cannabis and turned that interest into an awesome company that offers an array of beauty and health products aimed to ease anxieties and improve wellbeing. (Yes, please!)
Dear Kate x Say Hi: Cannabis Based Solutions for Period Pain
Periods can be a huge pain, and we mean that literally. Fortunately, it’s 2018 and women are free to talk about PMS, PMDD and their periods however often they damn well please. And because we are talking about them we can come up with more solutions to them, too. One of those sought-after solutions is cannabis.
Menstrual Delights: Baths for Period Pain (P.S. They Burn Calories)
There’s nothing like a hot bath to help you unwind, relax, and even to cool your cramps...
MG Asks: Is Drinking Alcohol on Your Period a Bad Idea?
As with many external factors like stress and smoking cigarettes, drinking booze can have an impact on your menstrual cycle. This is because alcohol can temporarily increase your levels of estrogen and testosterone.
Period Leave: Why Companies Should Follow Nike's Lead and "Just Do It"
The last thing any feminist wants is to promote the idea that our hormones prevent us from keeping up with men. So should more companies really introduce period leave as standard?
MG Asks: Do You/Would You Smoke Weed to Help With Your PMS?
To get some real answers, we asked some of our lady friends what they thought about smoking weed to help with PMS.
Showing items 1-10 of 10.