The Brief » Health
Menstrual Delights: Acupuncture
You're on your period and you hurt. No amount of over-the-counter pain killer is helping. You hit the maximum recommended dosage at 10 am.
Get Grounded: Yoga When You're On the Road
Summer is here, and whether you are jet-setting or hitting the road, travel tends to sh...
What's the Deal with Coconut Oil?
It feels like people are using Coconut Oil for just about everything these days. People...
7 Period Symptoms No One (Really) Talks About
While talking about our periods has never really been water cooler conversation, there ...
OBG(WHY)N: What Exactly is HPV?
“Abnormal” is not the word you want to hear when you’re getting your medical test resul...
Yoga for Your Spring Transition
Check out this detoxifying yoga routine and breathing exercise to boost our respiratory, circulatory, and immune systems, making it easier for the body to fend off allergens and enjoy all that this wondrous season has to offer.
OBG(why)N: Things That Can Affect Your Birth Control
Many of us use birth control, but few us consider things that can affect birth control ...
What's the Deal with the Zika Virus?
Imagine spending your whole life training for the Olympics and finally having the oppor...
Best News Ever: You Can Now Order Your Monthly Gift Subscription!
Ladies, we’ve been working tirelessly for months to develop the best solution for your least-fun week of the month.
Menstrual Cycle 101
To begin with, there are four phases of the female menstrual cycle, and these phases ca...
Need to Know: Should I Get an IUD?
To IUD or not to IUD? That is the question.
Confused? Scared? Have you heard IUD horror...