The Brief » health issues
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Bladder Leaking
Bladder leakage, also know as urinary incontinence, is not just a condition for new moms or those in their older years. Bladder leaking is an extremely common condition which occurs for a variety of reasons. The condition happens when your muscles become too weak to constrict the urethra and support your bladder.
What's the Deal with Vaginal Dryness During Your Period?
It might seem like vaginal dryness is the last problem you should be having during your...
7 Reasons You Might Miss a Period (Other Than Being Pregnant)
For the sexually active and not-so-safe among us, having a late period is a nerve-wracking experience and missing a period can be totally terrifying. The truth is, there are numerous non-pregnancy related reasons why you might miss a period entirely, some more concerning than others.
Real Talk: I'm Allergic to Condoms
Everything was perfect up until he switched the brand on condoms we were using about a month after we first started having sex.
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