Monthly Gift Horoscopes by Tracy Allen: March 2018

Tracy Allen’s horoscopes have appeared regularly in magazines and online for more than a decade. Her astrology practice draws on her graduate education in counseling psychology and her experience as a psychotherapist working with children, teens and adults. Follow @astrotherapist on Twitter and email to schedule a private session over phone or Skype. Available in person in NYC!
February 19–March 20
A full moon rocks your relationship angle on March 1 and may bring one to a make-or-break turning point. You could opt to finally go all in or walk away, and in either case, you should try to embrace the change. People will seem more temperamental, and you may need to give them the spotlight and an empathetic ear. It’s your turn to put your needs first on the 17th when the annual new moon in Pisces coaxes you to make a fresh start. This lunation is getting major support from Jupiter and Pluto, dropping hints that your team will be behind you if you go big with this personal reinvention. Staying small serves no purpose. You don’t want to rob the world of your unique contribution, do you? Launch your new year on the right note by resolving to own your power and live up to your potential. Planets in your sign are gelling with Jupiter on the 1st, 2nd and 13th, moving you to express yourself more freely and take a bigger bite out of life. Explore new possibilities without fear and project your personality with gusto. A sun-Neptune meetup on March 4 could make you feel lost, misunderstood and extra sensitive. Find a healthy way to escape—sleep can do you a world of good! As several planets depart Pisces for your worth house, much of your attention will turn to what you have, what you need and what you value. Since those planets aren’t getting along with planets in your network zone, you could have conflicts with your crew over money, possessions or priorities, and erratic self-confidence can affect your ties to a group. Be clear about your bottom line, but don’t dig in your heels. With Jupiter going retrograde on the 8th and Mercury jumping on the bandwagon on the 22nd, travel plans can go sideways, your financial judgment will be iffy and your quest to broaden your horizons may seem less exciting. Contemplate what you’ve learned since last fall; look for the personal truths embedded in recent experiences; seek perspective on your faith; review your budget; and evaluate how well you’re utilizing your talents.
March 21–April 19
March begins with a full moon in your productivity corner—your best excuse of the year to put an end to something that’s detracting from your quality of life. Whether it’s an unhealthy habit like skimping on sleep or a time-waster like constantly checking your newsfeed, the universe is telling you to change your ways so you’ll feel better and get more out of your day. The new moon on the 17th rounds out this theme by reminding you that spiritual wellness is just as important. Start a practice that soothes your soul and make it part of your routine. Meditation is challenging for active Rams, but apps like Headspace can help! Mercury and Venus show up in Aries on March 6, so you’ll feel more chatty and outgoing—and when the sun finally follows suit on the 20th, your energy returns full force. You’re brimming with charisma and ideas, but you could get tongue-tied after Mercury pulls a U-turn on the 22nd. Don’t worry about making yourself understood; concentrate on understanding yourself. That’s the hidden bonus of Mercury being retrograde in your sign. While your ruling planet crosses the high point of your chart from March 17 to May 15, you’re fired up to achieve your goals. Throw yourself into solo projects if possible because indie Mars prefers to be his own boss. For much of the month, planets in Aries are quarreling with planets in your ambition angle, making success seem hard to come by. Even if it feels like you’re being blocked at every turn, don’t lose your trademark enthusiasm. Being tested makes you stronger. Yes, working within a system can slow you down. But Rome wasn’t built in a day. Whatever hoops you have to jump through now are there to teach you discipline. Besides, March offers you two amazing days for living life on your terms: On the 11th and 28th, Mars and Venus sync with Uranus in Aries, greenlighting bold moves that shake things up. Go for it!
April 20–May 20
Your sign tends to err on the side of keeping things simple, but the full moon on the 1st emphasizes the fact that there are many different sides to you, and you need to find outlets for expressing them. When your passion and creativity hit high tide that day, you could bare your soul to someone, finish a fun project or get an urge to enjoy life. A love affair might be pushed to the brink and either heat up or burn out. Don’t hold on if it’s past its expiration date; full moons often bring necessary endings. A sun-Neptune meetup on March 4 may signal you’re losing your identity in a group, so ask yourself if you’re giving up too much to fit in and if the answer’s yes, work on maintaining firmer boundaries. Jupiter’s retrograde phase (March 8–July 10) calls for you to contemplate what you’re looking for in a relationship. You’ve probably been meeting lots of people lately, and this is a good chance to zoom in on the best prospects. Whether you’re in the market for a significant other, biz partner or close friend, the truth is only some of the connections you’ve made will stand the test of time. If a romantic relationship has been flourishing, it may cool off for a few months while you give it more thought. In contrast, when Mars vibes with Uranus on March 11, sex brings out all the feels and can liberate your inner dominatrix. If you’re flying solo, a deep dive into your psyche will pay off, as you could very well hit the mother lode of freeing insights now. As several planets segue from your network zone to your retreat corner throughout March, peaceful solitude becomes more appealing than raucous socializing. Carve out alone time to unwind and reflect on the past year. Enjoying your own company is woefully underrated. Since those planets are battling Mars, Saturn and Pluto, you’re bound to experience tension between surrendering to the pull of your inner life and pushing yourself to keep chasing after new experiences. Should you plan your next adventure or throw away the map? The short answer: Both!
May 21–June 20
Work/life balance is key as March kicks off with a full moon in your foundation angle, throwing your equilibrium off. If you’ve been preoccupied with getting ahead in your career or achieving personal goals, a domestic development could compel you to deal with matters closer to home. This lunation also makes you super moody, so you might want to silence your phone and binge watch your favorite show for a night. You have a lot on your plate with Jupiter cruising through your productivity corner this year, and once the “too much is never enough” planet enters its four-month retrograde period on the 8th, you should start scaling back to avoid stress. Streamline your schedule, cutting out any tasks you’ve taken on since last fall that seem less relevant now. Hopefully your health has been good, but if you see any areas where you could improve, consider what plan of action will help you hit your target. Boredom is anathema to Twins, and a Mars-Uranus confab on March 11 emphasizes the importance of doing new things with new people to keep life interesting. You might team up with a group on a humanitarian effort or recruit a partner who can help you cross something off your bucket list. When your ruling planet goes rogue in your network zone starting on the 22nd, misunderstandings in your squad or on social media may become a headache. Don’t get sucked into group gossip! Mercury retrograde is known for wreaking havoc with the grapevine. This house also rules technology, so back up your computer and hold off on buying devices until April 15. As the planets segue into your network zone throughout March, you may be more and more inclined to keep relationships light and play the field. But since these planets are squabbling with planets in your depth-and-sharing house, someone might be pressuring you to commit. Or you yourself could be torn between breezy and intense, with trust, loyalty and jealousy becoming pressing issues. As much as you like being carefree, these planetary spats are here to remind you that certain relationships are worth a bigger investment.
June 21–July 22
Your thoughts and feelings are closely tied when your ruler, the moon, becomes full on the 1st and lights up your cognition-and-communication zone. Although information overload could be a problem, you should be able to sort out what’s going on inside you and put it into words. Since this lunation is linked with serious Saturn in your partnership angle, a major emotional convo about a relationship is a strong possibility. With Jupiter going into reverse in your joy house from March 8 to July 10, you’ll be musing on where your heart lies in the months to come. Who do you love? What makes you happy? If you’re dating around, the steady flow of new candidates may slow to a trickle. Jupiter often puts quantity over quality, and this is your chance to separate the wheat from the chaff. You won’t be barreling full-steam-ahead with new pleasures like a creative project, but this is the perfect time for revisions. The new moon in your exploration corner on the 17th forms an alliance with Jupiter, coaxing you to dream up new learning experiences to make your future more exciting. Book a trip, sign up for a conference or launch an entrepreneurial venture like opening an Etsy shop. In fact, the Mars-Uranus collaboration on March 11 also signals that working hard can lead to a career breakthrough or at least give your PR a lift. You might find it hard to promote yourself after Mercury turns retrograde in your achievement angle on the 22nd, so don’t try to articulate your aims to higher-ups. Focus on reviewing your goals in your own head. Planets in that angle are at war with planets in your partnership house for most of the month, pitting personal ambition against relationships at times. You might be struggling to get on the same page with someone regarding your current status or where you see yourselves in a few years. It’s important that the people closest to you support your aspirations. If they don’t, March could bring you to a crossroads.
July 23–August 22
If you get an overwhelming urge to splurge thanks to a full moon in your worth zone on March 1, you might be trying to fill an emotional hole more than a material need. Retail therapy isn’t a permanent fix, since the underlying feelings remain long after the thrill of your purchase has worn off. Those of you who are on a tight budget may thank yourselves later if you take a minute to question why you want what you want right now. Personal security is a core issue in March, especially because Jupiter is going off the grid in your roots angle until July, which could get you wondering where you belong and who’s there to support you at the end of the day. Do you feel at home where you are now? What do you need from your living situation? From your family? This retrograde phase invites you to take your emotional temperature and evaluate your underlying sense of comfort. With the sun merging with Neptune on the 4th, you could lose yourself in sex—in a good way or bad way—or feel worn out psychologically and need time by yourself. The new moon on the 17th can inspire a fresh start in your psyche or bring a new sex partner into your life, and because it’s sparring with hot-blooded Mars, this might signify an affair that starts off with a bang and fizzles out. But given the chemistry between Mars and Uranus on March 11, there’s something to be said for bravely pursuing your passion. If you don’t take risks, how will you grow? Several planets moving from your depth sector to your exploration corner as the month unfolds create a tonal shift. You’ve been intently focused on specific relationships or endeavors, and now fresh possibilities seem more enticing. Those planets can’t stop fighting with planets in your efficiency house, causing you to waver between discipline and distraction. You may not know whether to stick with what works or try something different. Take breaks—that way you can stay the course when you have momentum and escape when FOMO strikes.
August 23–September 22
Virgo plays host to the full moon on March 1, giving you a free pass to feel all your feelings to the nth degree and put your needs first. Try not to infringe on anyone else’s rights, but go ahead and ask for whatever you think will make you happy in the moment. And find healthy ways to channel your emotions so you don’t explode—or implode! Anything from kickboxing class to painting could do the trick. And look at this as your annual incentive to let go of something (or someone) that doesn’t serve your growth. Does it nurture you? Resonate with you? Bring you joy? If not, maybe it’s time to say goodbye. The new moon on the 17th activates your partnership angle, hinting that someone with LTR potential could be waiting in the wings, or you may shift your relationship dynamics altogether by breaking out of an old pattern, opening your mind and communicating honestly. Mercury is retrograde March 22–April 15, making it more challenging to confide in someone—and possibly causing you to obsess over an ex. Plus Jupiter’s backspin phase (March 8–July 10) is likely to dampen your enthusiasm for new possibilities and plans. But your brain’s been flooded lately, and you’ve been meeting more new people than usual, so this is a chance to catch your breath and suss out what you’re truly excited about. Some of what’s swirling around in your head may turn out to be much ado about nothing; now’s the time to figure that out. As the planets transition from your relationship angle to your intimacy sector, you’ll graduate from seeking companionship to craving closeness. Since those planets are provoking planets in your pleasure house, it could become clear that a crush is one thing, and sharing your life with someone is another. Or you might want to delve deep to understand and accept yourself or another person, but your fear is holding you back. What might be scaring you most about sex, love and learning what you’re made of is this: You can’t control how it all plays out. You’ll save yourself sooo much suffering when you realize control is an illusion.
September 23–October 22
With several planets transiting your productivity corner, you may be blazing through your to-do list, but a full moon in your subliminal sector on the 1st pulls you away from your busy everyday life and asks you to show your inner life some love. Dreams, spirituality, imagination, intuition, quiet reflection—they’re all as valid and vital as your job, workouts, errands and other activities that fill your days. Your soul needs equal playing time, so take a step back from the world and tune into a subtler wavelength. On the physical plane, note that the sun’s rendezvous with Neptune on the 4th can make you more susceptible to illness, so shore up your defenses with natural immune boosters like echinacea and goldenseal. The new moon on the 17th balances everything out by coaxing you to launch a self-improvement campaign that will boost your confidence. You might commit to a new diet or fitness regimen or get into a new habit that helps you manage your time better. Even something as simple as organizing your workspace can help you be more efficient. If you have something big in mind, be sure not to skip action steps. Break it all down into bite-size chunks. As the planets cross your one-on-one angle throughout March, you won’t be so consumed with work, work, work. In true Libra style, you’ll be all about reconnecting with people. And since Mercury is going retrograde on the 22nd, the emphasis is more on getting back in touch than making fresh contacts. If you need to have a Big Talk in a relationship, make it happen before then—maybe on March 11 when assertive Mars hooks up with change-oriented Uranus. Family obligations or domestic issues might prevent you from socializing as much as you’d like this month, since planets in your relationship and home angles are duking it out. This tension can also signal that unpacking emotional baggage and dealing with the past will ultimately facilitate new and improved relationships. Sounds worth it, right?
October 23–November 21
You may need to be there for a friend when a full moon rocks your group zone on March 1, heightening emotions in your squad. With staid Saturn in your thinking-and-talking corner, your mature mindset and words of wisdom can make you the best person for someone to turn to. You might also feel a strong need to be around a lot of people, so don’t keep to yourself. Planets in your love-and-happiness house are gelling with Jupiter in Scorpio on the 1st, 2nd and 13th, further encouraging you to enjoy life and express your feelings. But when the sun coalesces with Neptune on the 4th, it may be time to set some limits, especially if the fantasy of saving someone with your love is causing too much sacrifice and disappointment. The new moon on March 17 alludes to fresh romance or a new source of pleasure in the pipeline, and pursuing the love and joy you deserve will clearly help you thrive. But with Mars in your worth house causing trouble, you’ll need to work on your self-esteem and get your finances and priorities in order before you can feel truly fulfilled. A Mars-Uranus collaboration on the 11th inspires you to seek out more work to boost your bank balance and be more proactive about using your full arsenal of talents. Jupiter will be in reverse gear from March 8 to July 10, taking your confidence down a notch and throwing fewer opportunities your way. However, Jupiter is most definitely still on Team Scorpio! It just wants you to press pause, review your recent growth spurt and ponder the path you’re on. You’re aiming high, but your aspirations should reflect what’s most important to you, not what you think people expect from you. Tune into your inner wisdom when it comes to what’s truly best for you. As planets in your productivity house clash with planets in your thinking-and-talking corner, even your best-laid plans may seem difficult to execute, especially with mental Mercury turning retrograde on the 22nd. Accept that you can’t maintain as firm a grip as you’d like on time, circumstances and responsibilities, and modify your attitude and actions when necessary.
November 22–December 21
March comes out of the gate with a full moon in your ambition angle, bringing a goal to fruition, triggering drama with an authority figure like a boss or parent or calling for you to change course in your career. You may be pushed onto center stage, so be prepared to put your best foot forward. Believe that you have what it takes to shine now. But don’t underestimate the importance of downtime. With several planets in your comfort angle bolstering Jupiter in your retreat zone, you’ll feel so much more at peace when you stop going, going, going, doing, doing, doing and simply unwind. Your zest for life fuels you to spread your wings and explore, but you still need to come home to roost somewhere. The new moon on the 17th is also jibing with Jupiter, nudging you to start a new self-care practice or some type of private ritual that puts you at ease. You might opt to change your living situation in the coming weeks—a move or decorating spree could be in the cards. Getting out and having fun is also good for the soul, and the Mars-Uranus teamwork on March 11 gives you the go-ahead to pursue an unexpected attraction or pleasure or enjoy an impromptu adventure like a weekend getaway to somewhere off the beaten path. You could rediscover a past pleasure after Mercury starts backtracking on the 22nd, and that includes rekindling an old flame! Your ruling planet will also be retrograde from March 8 until July 10, which could take some of the wind out of your sails—albeit on a subtle level, since Jupiter is hiding out in the last house of your chart. You may feel like you’re drifting through life, but there’s a lesson here about surrendering your will and growing your faith. Pulling back on the reins doesn’t come naturally to you, but you’ll fail to hear the whisperings of your spirit if you don’t turn down the volume in your outer life.
December 22–January 19
When a full moon lands in your expansion house on March 1, its vibe with Saturn in Capricorn assures that any leap of faith you’re inspired to take will be a well-calculated one. A publishing project, legal matter, course of study or entrepreneurial venture could turn a corner now, or you might get an irresistible urge to travel. Since this lunation pushes you to shift your perspective, it’s your best reason all year to ditch a belief that limits you. Your ruling planet’s presence in Capricorn is compelling you to define your identity on your own terms, so there’s really no better time to look at your beliefs and banish one that’s doing you a disservice. Since planets in your thinking-and-talking corner are in sync with planets in your group zone the first half of the month, you should be feeling pretty social. Take advantage of opportunities to get out and circulate because Saturn tends to cut you off from people at times so you can work on yourself. When Jupiter starts backpedaling on the 8th, the broad range of people coming into your life will narrow for a few months, and you might be less fired up about new hopes and goals. A group effort could stall, and squad support may be less forthcoming. But this is a good time to consider which new group affiliations, social media accounts, friendships, professional contacts and wishes are the best fit for you. With planets dipping down to the base of your chart over the course of the month, home and family take on added importance. You might get nostalgic after Mercury goes retrograde there on March 22 and will need to avoid overreacting to crossed wires with relatives and roomies. Since planets in Capricorn are at odds on March 11, 13, 23, 24 and 29, some trouble with parents or people you live with is to be expected. Resist the temptation to control others and stay as self-aware as possible. Reflect on the past, searching for connections between your backstory and what you’re grappling with today. You’re better off confronting your own feelings than someone else during this period.
January 20–February 18
Finding the best balance of give-and-take can be a challenge as the month starts off with a full moon in your sharing sector. Emotions are running high in a close relationship, and you should do your best to honor the other person’s needs without ignoring your own. You won’t be able to maintain a detached perspective on a sexual attachment, so wait until all the feels subside if you’re trying to make a decision. A Mars-Uranus summit on March 11 encourages you to jump into teamwork on the spot and share your ideas freely. Collaboration can be an eye opener, so do as much listening and observing and talking and acting. With planets in your worth house supporting Jupiter in your ambition angle, you have a chance to make great use of your resources to achieve your goals, so tap into your many talents! After Jupiter begins its four-month retrograde phase on the 8th, you won’t make as much headway, but you will have a chance to nip a wild goose chase in the bud and zero in on the aspirations that mean the most to you. You may feel less sure of success and probably won’t receive tons of accolades. It’s time to ask yourself what success means to you and make the necessary course corrections. Mercury is going into backspin mode on March 22, so it will be more of a hassle to get around town, connect with people and hear everyone correctly. Give yourself extra time to get places, doublecheck info and keep your sense of humor! As planets segue from your worth house to your thinking-and-talking corner throughout the month, your brain and daily interactions will get a jolt of adrenaline. Since those planets are at odds with planets in your subliminal sector, you’ll want to keep an eye on your hidden motives and any tendencies to sabotage yourself. Pointing fingers can get you into avoidable conflicts, so face up to your inner turbulence first and notice how it impacts your encounters with others. If something troubling occurs and you wonder, “Where did that come from?” start by searching within.