Monthly Gift Horoscopes by Tracy Allen: May 2018

Tracy Allen’s horoscopes have appeared regularly in magazines and online for more than a decade.Her astrology practice draws on her graduate education in counseling psychology and her experience as a psychotherapist working with children, teens and adults. Follow @astrotherapist on Twitter and email to schedule a private session over phone, FaceTime or Skype. Available in person in NYC!
April 20–May 20
When the sun in Taurus faces off with Jupiter on the 8th, you may hope for a lot from someone and should try to moderate your expectations. It’s natural to be more self-focused than usual during your birthday season, but Jupiter tends to blow things out of proportion. A few days later, a sun-Pluto confab can offer an opportunity to have a powerful experience that changes you, so don’t play it too safe! Your actual birthday always kicks off a new solar year, and the Taurus new moon on May 15 offers an additional excuse to start fresh. Reinvent yourself by trying out different looks or presenting yourself in another light to others—maybe by changing your social media approach or becoming an activist for a cause. That same day, Mars and Uranus both change signs, with Mars setting up camp in your ambition angle for a six-month stay and Uranus shaking up Taurus…for the next eight years! Mars will motivate you to achieve your goals, while Uranus will force you out of a rut if you’ve lived within self-imposed limitations for too long. It’s time to rethink your identity and explore new ways of being you in the world. This can be an exciting phase in your life as you break free from old patterns, but steady Bulls are likely to find it unnerving. Ask yourself what you’re holding onto and why. The planet of revolution demands that you overthrow the status quo, and if that idea scares you, he just might do it for you! Feel the fear and do it anyway. Align yourself with this progressive energy and have more say in the sea change taking place between now and 2026. Mars and Uranus do battle on the 16th, presenting your first challenge. Avoid going up against authority figures and shooting yourself in the foot. Work independently if possible; you’re not in the mood to submit to anyone. With Mercury skipping through your sign May 13–29, you’re graced with a silver tongue, and the 18th, 22nd and 25th are the best days for getting your message across. Jupiter and Neptune make music in two of your relationship houses on May 25, reminding you to reach out and connect with others. People are a great source of knowledge, inspiration and support now, and any collaboration that serves a higher purpose is likely to flourish. Bonus: If you meet someone new, he or she will feel like a kindred soul!
May 21–June 20
Venus is sashaying through your sign until May 19, so you’re feeling attractive and flirty—and others are bound to take notice. Since you’re able to magnetize what and whom you desire, be sure to put yourself in a good position to take advantage of this superpower! Yes, the sun is hiding out in your solitude corner, which makes you want to hibernate, but there willbe nights when you’d rather steal the scene in something sexy than lounge at home in lululemons. Venus’s run-in with Neptune on the 7th can make you uncertain about how people see you, and you might feel a bit aimless, but this mood will pass pretty quickly. Your ruler, Mercury, is laying low from the 13th until the 29th, so you’ll be less chatty and more inclined to keep things to yourself. But don’t keep all your deep thoughts bottled up inside you; use Merc’s meetings with Saturn and Pluto on the 18th and 25th to confide in someone you trust. Mars cruises into your expansion zone on May 15 for a rare six-month stay, daring you to pursue different experiences that will allow you to grow. Whether you’re broadening your horizons physically with travel or mentally with a new area of study, branching out is the name of the game. At the same time, Uranus takes up residency in the last house of your chart for the next eight years, rattling the cage in your subconscious. Unexpected events and disclosures that seem to come out of nowhere may stem from your own motives you’re not aware of or signals you’ve sent out subliminally. And past actions can catch up with you, leading to what looks like a surprising set of circumstances. Whatever you’ve hidden from yourself or others is apt to come out during this period, so it’s an ideal time to pull the skeletons out of your closet and face them. The more aware you are of what’s brewing underneath your surface, the less power it has to disrupt your life. Once the sun shows up in Gemini on the 20th—the official launch of your birthday season—a welcome energy surge fuels you to focus on yourself and make a strong impression. With one exception: The full moon on May 29 reminds you to strike a balance between tending to your own needs and respecting someone else’s. This lunation can bring a relationship to a commit-or-quit turning point; either way, have the courage to embrace change!
June 21–July 22
Be careful not to give up too much for the wrong person on May 7 when Venus in your spirit corner becomes disoriented by Neptune in your perspective house. You may try to help someone whom you assume sees the world the same way you do and then find you’ve misjudged them. But a sun-Jupiter faceoff the next day should give you a lift, as it hints at over-the-top fun with friends. You’ll relish the freedom to let loose and be yourself around people. The sun’s vibe with Pluto on the 11th alludes to a one-on-one encounter with someone who has a powerful effect on you, and a bond with a friend could strengthen under this influence. With Mars moving into your intimacy sector on May 15 for the next several months, you’re ready to take charge of your sex life. You might pursue a new partner or spice things up with your current one. You might also immerse yourself in a passion project or grapple with a psychological issue and come out stronger on the other side. On the same day, Uranus zooms into your network zone, so you’re sure to be hit with some surprises related to your group connections between now and 2026. New interests will introduce you to a different set of friends or a particular organization, while people you already know could throw you for a loop. Peer pressure may drive you to shoot off in your own direction, as this transit inspires individualism. Your ideals and objectives will change, and in turn, you’ll be drawn to fresh faces. Mars and Uranus have their first fight right away (on the 16th), which could set off shockwaves between your personal life and your social life. You might go for a guy your squad doesn’t approve of or hook up with a platonic pal unexpectedly. Don’t try to call the shots, because people are likely to balk at your aggression. Venus pirouettes into Cancer on May 19 for a month-long visit and clicks with Uranus that same day, making it easier to get along with everyone. You’ll be in a pleasant mood, projecting warmth and beauty, so it’s a great period for dating. The 26th will probably be an different story, since a Venus-Saturn opposition could cause others to seem withholding or taxing. But the day before, romance, creativity, self-expression and play are all highly favored! Being yourself and enjoying life will help you feel connected to the wider world, and you might have a truly transcendent experience.
July 23–August 22
A Venus-Neptune kerfuffle on May 7 warns you to steer clear of ambiguous hookups since it’s hard to read someone’s signals during this confusing transit. You might be cool with a no-strings fling, but Neptune has a way of weaving fantasies that reality can’t live up to. The day after, your ruler meets with Jupiter, boosting your self-assurance and fueling your ambition. The planets want you to shine, but you’ll need to navigate the fine line between confident and cocky around authority figures. On the 11th, the sun’s harmony with Pluto will help you stand out from the crowd based on the hard work you’ve been doing. Keep plugging away—it’s clear now that your efforts are getting you somewhere. The new moon on the 15th could launch a fresh chapter in your career, and this is the perfect time to set a big goal you want to achieve in the next six months. Hours later, Uranus climbs to your ambition angle, causing twists and turns in your professional path and life direction in the eight years to come. New opportunities could spring up, and you might even switch industries. If you feel like you’re under someone’s thumb or can’t express your true self in your vocation, you’ll probably have an urge to quit or at least rebel against the powers that be. Consider what unique mark you want to make in the world and be open to altering your objectives. That same night, Mars crosses your one-on-one angle, pushing you to recruit a partner for your various activities. An exercise buddy can motivate you not to slack off, while a common goal will enliven a romantic relationship. You’ll have more conflicts than usual with other individuals in the next six months, but it can be healthy to get grievances out in the open and work through them if you’ve swept too much under the rug. Mars and Uranus cross swords the next day, which could provoke an argument, especially if you or the other party is being too bossy. It may not be pleasant, but it can lead to needed change. A sun-Mars connection on May 23 should elicit a more collaborative spirit, so make the most of the camaraderie. On the 25th, Jupiter’s tête-à-tête with Neptune encourages you to accept your past and try to understand yourself better so you can heal wounds and be open to intimacy. A base of support in your home life will nurture your soul, and you should cherish a feeling of belonging wherever you find it.
August 23–September 22
With charming Venus twirling across your ambition angle during the first few weeks of May, you won’t have much trouble appealing to higher-ups who are in a position to help you, so dress for success and be your own best publicist. If you have creative talent, it can get you noticed now. Since Venus and Neptune get tangled up on the 7th, that’s not the best time to read people’s reactions—so don’t worry about what anyone thinks of you! A sun-Jupiter connection the next day could get you into a spirited discussion or a stimulating adventure that opens your mind. This is a good transit for travel, if you can swing a quick getaway. Not to worry if you can’t leave town in the middle of the week; the sun’s collaboration with Pluto on the 11th is another combo that can inspire a memorable excursion. Regardless of where you find yourself, you’ll get serious pleasure from transcending your everyday routine and exposing yourself to unfamiliar people, ideas and experiences. And the new moon in your exploration corner on May 15 emphasizes the benefits of branching out, so plan your next trip, seek out some new faces, sign up for a class or check out a foreign restaurant, film or exhibit—anything that will widen your world. With Uranus showing up in that part of your chart for an eight-year tour, your belief system is due for a shakeup. Things will happen that challenge your views, and if you can avoid identifying too rigidly with your POV, this period of increasing awareness can be quite exciting. New studies, travels and encounters will open your eyes to the bigger picture and help you grow. The arrival of Mars in your efficiency corner sets you up for a productive six-month phase of working very hard to tackle what’s on your plate. Whether you’re checking things off your to-do list or holding it down at the office, you have the energy to keep busy and get it all done. When Mars and Uranus clash on the 16th, you might veer off track or have an urge to accomplish something your own way, so take breaks and don’t even try to join in any team endeavors. Your efforts could earn you a gold star on the 23rd when Mars plays nice with the sun, so stay visible. Jupiter’s rendezvous with Neptune two days later coaxes you to mingle with a range of people. When you stop looking for surface similarities, you could meet someone who feels like a soulmate.
September 23–October 22
Although the sun in your depth-and-sharing sector has you zeroed in on a specific relationship, project or personal matter during the first few weeks of May, your ruler, Venus, is flitting through your exploration corner at the same time, giving you a taste for difference. See if you can manage to have the best of both worlds. Singular devotion will energize you, while relating to someone or something new will please you and feed your need to connect, connect, connect. When the sun and Jupiter lock into an opposition on May 8, you may need to call on your famous balancing skills to navigate give and take. Generosity, self-indulgence, confidence, power and freedom are all in the mix, potentially affecting a close relationship. As long as you don’t swing too far in any direction, you’ll get through this fine and might wind up with more of what you wanted. A tête-à-tête between the sun and Pluto encourages you to delve into your psyche and get to the bottom of strong emotions and perhaps troubling memories. Introspection isn’t idle; it can be incredibly productive—and during transits like this one, transformative. Going to therapy or talking to someone who’s known you for ages, like a family member, can also help you understand yourself better and make a powerful shift. With Uranus segueing into your depth-and-sharing sector on the 15th, where he’ll be hanging out until 2026, psychological insights will continue to foment your growth, liberating you from old patterns. You’ll also feel freer in bed, and new sexual partners may enter and leave your life with greater frequency. Or you could become intimately involved with someone unusual, and you won’t necessarily be able to depend on that person. Later on the 15th, Mars plunges into your fulfillment house for a lengthy stay, mobilizing you to go after what you want and do as you please. You’ll be inclined to play a lot in the coming months, and sports, games, hobbies and other forms of fun will be extra gratifying. Romance takes on a lustier tone, and you could become more proactive about dating or making the first move. A Mars-Uranus dustup on May 16 might jumpstart a new affair or breathe new life into a current one, but this influence can wear off quickly, so don’t assume too much. Jupiter’s harmony with Neptune on the 25th nudges you to make full use of your talents so you can do the work you were meant to do and thrive financially. Aim to be both useful and creative.
October 23–November 21
You’re craving closeness at the moment, courtesy of Venus’s stopover in your sharing zone. Prioritize quality time with your S.O. or someone else you love. You want intimacy, loyalty, passion, trust, intensity, depth and soulfulness, so this is not a period for parties and girls nights out. Whether you have a partner or not, hanging one-on-one is the way to go. A Venus-Neptune dustup on the 7th can lure you to view someone through rose-colored glasses or misinterpret the nature of your connection, so keep your feet planted on terra firma. A sun-Jupiter faceoff the next day will keep your spirits up and might inspire you to do something courageous. Self-righteousness and arrogance are dangers to be avoided, and you could be tempted to overextend yourself or cross a line with someone. The sun’s chemistry with Pluto on May 11 lends added profundity to dialogue and hints at the possibility of positive change. Speak up, especially if you’re overdue for a Big Talk in an important relationship. And make a point of being a good listener, because another individual can have a powerful effect on your mind under this influence. With Uranus crossing your partnership angle midmonth, where he’ll be staked out for the next eight years, your relationships become a focal point for change. An existing one that isn’t healthy could very well end, and even a solid connection won’t (and shouldn’t) remain exactly the same. You might get involved with someone new for excitement or cross paths with many unusual individuals. Notice what’s happening in your relationships and consider what unconscious signals you might be sending out. Maybe others seem to need space, but it’s really you who needs to be more independent. What changes can you make in your life to go along with the changes in your significant bonds? As Mars descends to your foundation angle later on the 15th, you’ll get busy around the house and might work from home more or throw yourself into a domestic project. You could slip back into an old behavior pattern or have petty arguments when you’re irritable, so keep a close eye on your moods. When Mars and Uranus spar the next day, you’ll definitely need to keep your impulses in check; do nottake the bait! Jupiter gels with Neptune on May 25, nudging you to live up to your full potential and share your true self with others. You have a right to be happy, to love and be loved. The planets want you to test your wings and discover what you’re made of. You’ve got this!
November 22–December 21
You might feel insecure in a relationship or let down by someone when Venus gets lost in Neptune’s fog on May 7, and you’ll benefit from spending time by yourself indulging in self-care. Thanks to the sun’s encounter with Jupiter the next day, the benefits of peaceful retreat will be abundantly clear. You might alternate between working and relaxing or find a happy medium and work quietly on your own. An ideal use of this planetary combo would be to perform a generous, compassionate service that helps others. The sun’s collaboration with Pluto on the 11th indicates that your hard work will pay off financially or by strengthening your self-esteem. Keep plugging away and take pride in how much you can accomplish. The new moon on the 15th invites you to initiate a positive habit; start a new diet or exercise regimen; learn a skill; launch a job search; and make appointments for any medical checkups you’re due for. Hours later, Uranus zips into your productivity corner, where he’ll be residing for the next eight years, instigating change with your work and wellness. You’re likely to switch jobs during this period, and you could go freelance, as Uranus espouses freedom and flexibility. If you’re in a rut, seek out different challenges and become more tech savvy (Uranus rules technology!) Don’t repress the urge for change; when you do that, a health issue could force you to alter your daily life, signaling you can’t continue on as if everything’s fine. This is also a good period to switch up your eating habits, explore alternative health options and try new workouts. Mars marches into your thinking-and-talking zone that night, revving up your brain and driving you to assert yourself. In the months to come, you might become active in your community, take more domestic trips and pitch ideas you believe in. But a Mars-Uranus melee on the 16th could trigger a rash decision or a conflict with people in your everyday life; press pause and take a breath! Jupiter and Neptune dovetail on May 25, signaling that you’re your own best source of inspiration. The more you understand yourself, the more fired up you’ll be to move on from the past and keep growing. A Sagittarius full moon on the 29th can make you super emotional, but it’s vibing with Mars, giving you an outlet for all those feels—communication. Tell someone what’s going on with you and ask for what you need. As long as you don’t infringe on anyone else’s rights, it’s perfectly okay to put yourself first!
December 22–January 19
The sun is gliding through your joy sector until May 20, giving you permission to have a good time and express your creativity, personality and feelings freely. His meeting with Pluto in Capricorn on the 11th hints that being yourself and enjoying life can have a transformative effect on you, so remember that all work and no play makes Goats dull. You’re probably dealing with some heavy stuff, and this transit can get you to lighten up and connect with others. Let your heart win out over your head, and you won’t be sorry. If you get into a relationship under this influence, it will have plenty of substance and bring out the real you. The next day, Mercury quarrels with Mars in your sign, and you may need to resist the temptation to overreact to what someone says. Relations with family and people you live with will be dicey that day, but this too shall pass. Mars leaves Cap on the 15th and moves into your worth house for an unusually lengthy stay, pushing you to deal with finances and possessions and act in accordance with your values and priorities. That same day, Uranus begins an eight-year tour of your joy sector, daring you to take more risks for the sake of love and happiness. Take up new hobbies. Date outside your comfort zone. Explore fresh forms of creativity. Let your inner child out to play. But speaking of children, this house rules creation, recreation and procreation—plus Uranus has a thing for surprises—so unplanned pregnancies are more common during this transit. In other words, unless you’re trying to conceive between now and 2026, be fanatical about your use of effective birth control. Be willing to change it up in other areas. You might fall for someone unconventional, show your quirks much more freely or enjoy impromptu fun instead of planning everything to the letter. Love affairs could sizzle and fizzle faster than usual, but resist the urge to overthink. Mars and Uranus fight on the 16th, upping the odds of impulsive splurges. You’re tempted to act on a whim; the problem is an object of your desire may only bring brief pleasure. Talk yourself down if you’re on a tight budget. Jupiter and Neptune make music on May 25, giving you an opportunity to show your compassion through a humanitarian effort. An empathic mindset mixes with the ideal of justice, and progress is in the air. This is also a great time to connect with friends if you need moral support, so reach out!
January 20–February 18
You’re in a cozy but playful mood, with the sun nestled in your family-and-feelings angle and Venus skipping through your joy sector. Although part of you is satisfied with relishing the pleasures of home, part of you wants to see people besides your relatives and roomies, so you might opt to throw a party. A Venus-Neptune tangle on the 7th suggests an attraction could mess with your confidence, or you could want something enough to give up too much for it. Don’t take risks when you can’t see clearly what they’ll cost you. The next day, a sun-Jupiter opposition mixes ambition and emotional security. You may feel comfortable chasing after a major goal, but be mindful of how you come across to authority figures. You might feel self-assured but seem a littletoosure of yourself. This faceoff also points to resting on your laurels versus setting your sights higher. You can be content with where you are in your life and proud of what you’ve accomplished—and then use that as a foundation for new goals. The sun’s chemistry with Pluto on May 11 prompts you to delve into your psyche and your past in search of deeper understanding. You’ll turn a big emotional corner now if you work through something unpleasant hidden inside you. Something even bigger happens on May 15: Your ruling planet is changing signs for the first time in forever and will be hiding out at the base of your chart until 2026! If you’ve become too settled, you’re about to get shaken and stirred, courtesy of Uranus. You might move more than once (or rather suddenly) or experience changes in your family. Your roots won’t seem as solid, and you may sever ties with pieces of your past. This is a period for cutting the apron strings and liberating yourself from old patterns you’ve been stuck in. Self-care will be extra important since you’ll need to soothe and center yourself. Mars lands in Aquarius the same day, fueling you to work hard on your own agenda and do everything you can to further your interests. You’ll be coming on strong for the next several months, so operate independently as much as possible. And don’t react to a mood swing when Mars and Uranus have a spat on the 16th! The full moon on May 29 pulls your attention to group interests. You could be there for a friend in need, but if you feel you’ve outgrown a particular friendship or group, it’s okay to move on now.
February 19–March 20
With the sun activating your thinking-and-talking corner, you’re interested in connecting with people and expressing yourself. Curiosity and restlessness can lead you to learn new things and get out and about more. You’re full of ideas and able to communicate them with energy. A sun-Neptune conference on May 6 offers a chance to feel seen and heard, so share what you have to offer. (And FYI, May 22 provides a similar opportunity when Mercury and Neptune form the same angle!) Venus’s discord with Neptune on the 7th lures you to overindulge in escapist pleasures. Food and drink will be especially tantalizing, and Fishes with a sweet tooth won’t be able to resist temptation. But your relations with family and housemates can also be affected, and you may need to work on accepting people as they really are. A convo or trip can fire you up on May 8, but there’s a danger of becoming preachy, so make a point of seeking knowledge and meaning rather than assuming you have the answers. Say yes to a networking event or plans with your squad on the 11th when the sun clicks with Pluto. You could meet a power player or share an intense experience with friends, so get out there! But starting May 15, when Mars ducks into the last house in your chart for an extended retreat, you’ll be most productive working quietly behind the scenes. Watch out for self-sabotaging behavior in the next several months. Don’t focus on getting credit for your efforts or making an impression on people. Dive into a project you can work on by yourself. Uranus arrives in your thinking-and-talking corner that day, where he’ll be revolutionizing your mindset and communication for eight years to come. The tempo of your brain and daily life will pick up, and nervous energy could make you feel anxious at times. Old perceptions will be challenged, compelling you to look at life from a different angle. You may not be sure what you can count on. A flexible attitude will help you cope with all the little changes. Be careful what you say on the 16th because a Mars-Uranus battle can trigger abrupt, unintentionally harsh words. Jupiter meshes with Neptune on May 25, convincing you to learn more about yourself and the world. You need to take risks and have new experiences if you want to find out what you’re truly made of. Don’t hedge your bets! Your comfort zone can become a trap, and it’s time to free yourself.
March 21–April 19
Soak up the warmth in your interactions and tell people how you feel about them while Venus brightens up your cognition-and-communication zone this month. You’ll be able to see the best in others and express your affection for them, so make time to enjoy companionship. You’re able to pick up on the beauty in your environment, which should keep you in a positive frame of mind. Venus and Neptune are at odds on May 7, so you might get lost in your imagination or see someone through the lens of a fantasy. Your cheerful mood may temporarily turn to wistfulness, and a sun-Jupiter opposition on the 8th will pull you back into the moment. The challenge is to balance self-sufficiency and sharing, and your expectation of support from your partner or an outside resource can make it more difficult. Fortunately, the sun vibes with Pluto on May 11, implying that using your own resources well—namely your full range of talents—will fuel your ambition, empowering you to reach your goals. And that feeling of making progress in your profession or your overall life path will feed your self-confidence. Mercury is still in Aries, and its encounters with Mars and Uranus on the 12th and 13th will speed up your thoughts and speech, which might lead you to make a snap decision or speak out of turn. Practice patience and edit yourself if necessary. Mars enters your humanity house on May 15, prompting you to engage in teamwork and take action that benefits others. You might do some professional networking, participate in group sports or launch a philanthropic endeavor. That same day, Uranus finallyleaves Aries! He’ll be zinging through your worth house for the next eight years, causing ups and downs with your finances and possessions. If you try not to be too rigid about what you have and what you need, you can use this period to get clear on what’s truly important to you; to realize how your values are changing; and to examine what you base your self-worth on. Your relationship with money and things is due to change as well. If your belongings are weighing you down, this transit might take some away, whereas if you require certain things in order to have more freedom as an individual, they could fall into your lap. Jupiter’s alliance with Neptune on May 25 promotes intimacy, healing and psychological growth. Have the courage to let special individuals into your heart. Deep connection will soothe your soul and give you the lovely feeling of being in the flow of life.