MG. Memo: Meet Our Awesome Interns!

We can’t believe it’s already July! Summer is racing by and we’re loving every minute of it. Working hard, playing hard, and getting to spend quality time with some badass babes.
We wanted to introduce you to a dynamic duo working hard behind the scenes here at Monthly Gift. Our interns, Lily and Caitlin, are absolutely fabulous and their help is essential in making our mission a reality!
Here’s a little bit about them:
LILY, 25
Where are you from?
Where are you going to school? What are you studying?
Case Western Reserve University. I’m getting my MBA.
Why did you decide to intern at MG?
I was excited to know that Monthly Gift aims to empower women to take control of their health. I always wanted to work for a start-up company whose a purpose to help women. And I can wear different hats in a start-up company, which excites me the most.
What’s your favorite thing about Monthly Gift?
Monthly Gift’s goal – to provide all women and girls around the world with the proper knowledge and access to sustainable feminine hygiene solutions.
Have you ever run out of tampons at exactly the wrong time?
Always. I am a busy student who also runs my own online business. I tend to mess up with my period time. I ran out of pads couple of times in the middle of night and I had nowhere to go so I had to turn to my roommates for help.
What are you most looking forward to doing this summer?
I hope to learn as much as possible through thus internship. It is important to learn real skills that will help me advance my career. My work and talents will be put to use, even while working on the smallest thing for my boss. I can be sure I am making a difference. Meeting people is another great thing about being an intern in NYC. I also make sure I have time to explore the city, make new friends, and keep my sanity!
Where are you from?
Enfield, Connecticut
Where are you going to school? What are you studying?
University of New Haven. Communication-Journalism.
Why did you decide to intern at MG?
I decided to intern at MG. because I really love the mission behind this service. I have run the late night feminine product run way too many times, and MG. helps eliminate that issue!
What’s your favorite thing about Monthly Gift?
I love that MG. is partnered with Days for Girls. No girl or women should have to go without safe feminine products, so I’m glad that I can help those less fortunate than me.
Have you ever run out of tampons at exactly the wrong time?
This literally has happened to me so many times. I only get my period every 3 months, so I can never remember if I have anything left when my period rolls around again (I usually don’t).
What are you most looking forward to doing this summer?
I’m definitely looking forward to my family vacation at the end of the summer. My family and I are going to Aruba for a week to celebrate my grandparent’s 50th wedding anniversary.
Thanks for making this summer so unbelievably fun and productive, ladies!