10 New Years Resolutions You May Actually Keep

10 New Years Resolutions You May Actually Keep

When the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, bringing that New Year to life, our minds all race with the possibilities of what the New Year will bring. We all have resolutions, goals and toxicity we want to be rid of from the year before but let’s face it, some things are just cliché AF. Sure, you’ll resolve to lose weight, like every other woman on the planet, but what about those subtle resolutions and changes that you don’t even realize you’re making?

Here are some less intimidating resolutions for the New Year ahead that you’ll actually keep.

Make healthier choices.

Instead of putting the pressure on yourself to lose X amount of pounds by summertime, give yourself permission to simply make healthier life choices, whether it be mentally or physically, that will also serve the same benefit to your overall health. Having a slim and chiseled body that’s lower in weight isn’t always a sign of health so do what you can and celebrate the new healthier habits that you form and conquer as you go. Losing the weight will only be a happy bonus.

Take more chances.

Sometimes we remain stuck to the grid that makes up our lives and we’re afraid to step out of our comfort zones. Whether it’s putting trust into a new guy not to break your heart or going after a job you feel is impossible to obtain, go for what you want, even if it scares the shit out of you.

Stop putting off the important tasks.

We all love to procrastinate from time to time but if it’s a terrible habit that you know you need to overcome, make a serious effort to do so- it’s easier than you might think. Start your day with a simple list of things you need to get done and check the important things off first. If you’re easily sucked into curling up onto the couch with Netflix and a bowl of salty snacks, you’ll feel better and less guilty doing so knowing that you’ve done your adult duties first.

Let go of negative feelings.

Toxicity and harboring resentment is never fun, and let’s face it, we all have something or someone that we’ve had a shitty experience with that hasn’t been fully resolved. Reach out if you can. Even if you can’t actually get the closure and final resolution you need, give yourself permission to forgive yourself or the other person involved, even if you can’t speak with them ever again. You deserve to move forward and be happy without any lingering negativity in your life.

Try something new.

If you’ve always wanted to try a cooking class, go skydiving or conquer your food phobia towards something terrible, now is a great time to try. The thing about resolving to try something new is that it’s a broad range spectrum and it allows you to feel good about welcoming something new into your life, even if it’s rather simple. It’s the little things that count at the end of the day.

Learn something new.

If you’ve always wanted to learn a new language, or at least how to order a Mimosa in a new language so that you can have brunch in Paris and feel like a damn goddess, learn it. If you want to know something, go and find the answer. The world is your oyster, girl. Get it.

Go somewhere you’ve never been before.

No, you don’t need to shell out thousands of dollars for a luxury trip to an exotic destination to step on new ground. You can often find places unknown to you in your own backyard. Resolve to go somewhere completely new and foreign to you, even if it’s just a local hike or park that you’ve been dying to add to your Instagram reel.

Make new friends.

You’re going to meet new people this year, it’s inevitable. Tons of new people, in fact. Instead of allowing yourself to cross paths with other humans with little to no investment, get to know one or a few of them on a deeper level. Make a genuine effort to step outside your social circle and create a new dynamic to the one you already have. You will likely be pleasantly surprised by the result- because new friends are always awesome.

Do things for yourself more often.

In life, we often all get caught up in serving everyone around us. Our bosses, our kids, our spouses and the lists of things to do and people to please are endless. Make sure to carve out some real time for just you. Go for a massage. Go for a beautiful stroll by yourself with a fancy latte. Do you, and don’t feel guilty. We all need a little downtime for ourselves every now and again.

Help someone in need.

We’re all so typically caught up in our own life chaos that we often fail to notice the circumstances of others around us but if you took a moment to look and pay attention, you’ll see that help is needed all around you, whether it’s sparing a little bit of change or offering a shoulder to lean on to someone going through a rough time. Take some time to lend your heart to someone else with no expectations of anything in return. After all, I think we can all agree that the world needs a whole lot more compassion and care.

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